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Required guards on open sides of stairways, raised floor areas, balconies, and porches must have intermediate rails or ornamental closures that do not allow passage of a sphere 4 inches in diameter. There must be a floor or landing at the top and bottom of each stairway, except at the top of an interior flight of basement stairs, provided a door does not swing over the stairs. Each toilet compartment must be a minimum of 30 inches wide, except, when the toilet is located adjacent to the short dimension of the tub, the distance from the tub, to the center line of the toilet must not be less than 12 inches.
A commenter who identified as a person with a disability recommended that HUD adopt universal design standards in manufactured home construction and encourage communities and housing agencies to do likewise. In this section, HUD edited the definition of “Fire separation wall” to emphasize the separation between attached manufactured homes. “Alarms” and “detectors” are different items that serve different purposes. HUD changed references from “detector” to “alarm” in response to public comment. HUD also revised this section to include specific locations where such items must be installed rather than just referencing the more general standards, such as the National Fire Protection Association Standard 720.
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Another commenter stated the Standards should be consistent with other building codes, such as the IRC. Manufacturers can determine whether the fire separation should be continuous from the floor, through the attic space, to the roof sheathing or decking or if it is more appropriate to envelop the structure's garage side. Other building codes leave this to the builder's discretion and so should the Standards. Most commenters supported updates to the Construction and Safety Standards, and encouraged HUD to continue working on updates to, and provided specific recommendations for, certain sections of the Construction and Standards. For example, several commenters supported adding two-family or two- and three-family dwelling units to the new Subpart K, Attached Manufactured Homes and Special Construction. Some commenters also suggested deleting or removing certain changes proposed by HUD.
HUD adjusted the rise and run dimensions based on public comment. The changes recommended by public commenters on the proposed rule will give manufacturers more flexibility when trying to balance the smaller form-factor of most homes with consumer demand for multiple stories. The edits clarify that the standards do not apply to exterior stairways that are built at the home site or stairways to basement areas that are not designed and built as part of the manufactured home. It is HUD's position that this proposed rule would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. This proposed rule would regulate establishments primarily engaged in making manufactured homes .
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Total valued benefits range from $8.515 million to $12.517 million. Unvalued benefits include reduced home damage and injuries from piping water heater relief valves to outside of the home and from the avoided delay during the AC review. The total estimated annual costs and benefits are described in the chart below. For paragraph , a commenter stated that HUD's proposed requirement is not practical because there is no way to check actual voltage unless the truck is hooked up to the brakes.

Sony is arguing that Microsoft could take Call of Duty away from PlayStation entirely, while Microsoft says that wouldn’t make business sense. This disagreement has spilled out into a public war of words between Sony’s PlayStation chief and Microsoft’s head of Xbox, but the real conflict is happening behind closed doors. However, a big potential stumbling block for Microsoft’s mobile gaming ambitions could be its control of Call of Duty on both mobile and console. Microsoft has seen success with Xbox Game Pass, and it has made it clear it wants to bring Activision games to the service. Regulators are now weighing how this would impact competition.
The guide covers all major manufacturers and includes a brief history of the company, price range of their homes, rating of construction quality, and description of the company’s most popular model lines. While it is intended as a guide for buyers of new manufactured homes, the information is equally valuable for evaluating a pre-owned home. Data plate must indicate that home has been designed to accommodate the additional loads imposed by the attachment of the attached accessory buildings or structures and must identify the design loads. A site‐built, self‐supported carport is considered an add‐on, as provided by § 3282.8, that does not affect the ability of the manufactured home to comply with the standards. The design and construction of the carport is subject to state and or local authorities having jurisdiction. Several commenters supported regular updates to the Standards and HUD's backing of manufactured housing.

Maintaining and providing copies of AC-specific production reports, inspection reports, and other administrative burdens required to maintain the AC approval. HUD modified the standards related to landings removing duplicative language, clarifying interior versus exterior provisions, and threshold height. HUD clarified that the placement restrictions apply to exhausts of fuel burning appliances and used the defined term “habitable rooms” in this section.
The coupling weight must be not less than 12 percent nor more than 25 percent of the gross weight. Sidewall component member sizing and joint-splice analysis (i.e., top and bottom plates, etc.), and connections between load carrying elements. Exhaust duct system and provisions for the future installation of a clothes dryer. All water piping in the water distribution system must be subjected to a pressure test.
This rule is expected to be an Executive Order regulatory action. Details on the estimated cost savings of this final rule can be found below in the Summary of Benefits and Costs, and in the rule's Regulatory Impact Analysis. One commenter suggested HUD eliminate “hard pipe” in paragraph , as the industry uses a flex gas connector and not a quick-disconnect.
These incorporated standards are available for purchase from the organization that developed the standard at the corresponding addresses noted below. These standards are also available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration . For information on the availability of this material at NARA, email or go to /federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html. Two commenters provided a significant number of suggested changes to HUD's proposed regulatory text.
A manufactured home is built on a chassis and complete directly from the factory. Manufactured homes only have to meet national HUD building regulations. The price difference is quite a bit, as is the insurance, taxes, and appraisal methods. The home SHOULD have been properly installed to the manufacturer’s specifications. The dealer SHOULD have educated you about the different installation ‘packages’ and then ensured that the home was in fact installed to the manufacturer’s standards but none of that happened.
HUD notes the added information required on the Data Plate more clearly identifies whether the home has been designed for an attached carport. HUD agreed with all comments providing specific textual changes and HUD modified the standards accordingly. The final rule will revise certain sections of the Construction and Safety Standards, as well as the incorporated reference standards where indicated. The revisions described below are based on HUD's review and consideration of the public comments on the proposed rule, HUD's experience with the program, the existent Construction and Standards, and the issues raised in the proposed rule. The final rule also makes minor technical edits to the Construction and Standards. A full appraisal will give you a much better idea of what your mobile home is worth on the retail market, but it will not be cheap.

The test must be made by subjecting the system to air or water at 80 psi + or − 5 psi for 15 minutes without loss of pressure. Openings from a garage directly into a room designated for sleeping purposes are not permitted. Required handrails must, if circular in cross section, have a minimum 11/4-inch and a maximum 2-inch diameter dimension.
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